10th annual Oakville Civitan charity Golf Classic

Hello Friends, Partners and Supporters,
I would like to take this opportunity to announce that, as last year, we will once again be the sole beneficiaries of the Oakville Civitan Golf Tournament. It is the 10th annual and we look to make this the greatest yet.
Your continued support means the world to the ones we serve. Last fall, the tournament was an unqualified success, on every front – happy golfers, incredible interest in the organizations, jubilant sponsors, wonderful vibes, and most of all – a huge awareness on the part of scores of business people of brain injury and all those touched by it.  
The capacity event (over 112 golfers) was hosted/ sponsored by the wonderful people at Osprey Valley Golf Course in Caledon (which many of the attendees declared the best course they had ever played!). The track lined up for September is ranked #16 in all of Canada!
To everyone who had a hand in this: you have acted directly to provide heart and hand to those touched by brain injury. This is for you…  
Alas, it is that time of year (many are already in full ‘swing’), that we come to you for your ongoing support.  Last year raised $20.000 and we look to improve those numbers. All donations, sponsors and support goes straight into client programming. This being the 10th year of the Civitans hosting, we want to go big, tight and quick paced.
Please have a look at the attached documents and read through sponsorship opportunities and 4some registrations.  We are introducing a new sponsorship opportunity this year in ball sponsor. Your logo and ours to be stamped on balls for all the golfers and apparently the balls guarantee 2 birdies on your round. WOW!
We and our clients look forward to your continued support. Fore!
All the best, hope to see you on the tee block
Kevin Wyborn

2018 Oakville Civitan charity Golf Classic Photo Gallery

  10th Civitan club Golf tournament-2019

10th Civitan Charity Golf Classic 2019 Brochure