Mind Forward is committed to providing the best quality service to individuals residing in the Mississauga Halton and Central West LHINs who have experienced the effects of brain injury. The current Strategic Plan identifies and addresses the top priority needs of the populations accessing our Agency for support from 2024 to 2027. The three strategic directions outlined below will ensure our clients, family members, caregivers, community partners, funders and other stakeholders have access to the necessary resources and rehabilitation to best support the ABI journey.
Our Three Strategic Pillars
Strategic Pillar #1
- Elevate client experience
- Innovate client programming
- Advocate for ABI community
Strategic Pillar #2
- Champion an inclusive workplace
- Promote a positive work culture
- Foster growth and development
Strategic Pillar #3
- Develop agency sustainability
- Advance operational excellence
- Cultivate strategic partnerships
Quality Improvement Plan
In addition to our Strategic Plan, Mind Forward also adheres to an Operational Planning Matrix which provides the mechanism by with our goals and strategic directions are realized and supported by continuous quality improvement structures/processes already integrated into the daily operations of our organization.
Financial Statements
Mind Forward Brain Injury Services Ontario (formerly Peel Halton Dufferin Acquired Brain Injury Services) Financial Statements for the year ended March 31, 2024.