Weekly Schedules – Halton – Oakville
Welcome to Halton Day Services Calendar for Summer 2019
Greetings! This package outlines the programs being facilitated by the Halton Day Services team in Oakville and includes Special Events and Partnerships within our community! Registration, information, and contacts are all identified. If in doubt… please contact me.
St. Luke’s community centre will continue to host many of our groups throughout the summer. Popular groups, such as Jumpstart, Artistically Yours and Cook and Carry Out continue.
We are excitied to introduce a new partnership with Palermo Village. The facility, which is right next door to St. Luke’s community centre, is allowing us to run some new groups out of their space. We have been granted access to their games room and movie theatre. We are optimistic that this new partnership will continue to evolve going forward.
Over the summer we will be offering the popular ’learn to golf’ group. This is possible through a partnership with Challenge golf. See the group description for more information on this exciting opportunity.
For those taking part in our Psychosocial Groups, please make sure you contact your Case Manager/Team Leader for more information on how to register. We will be offering two Psychosocial groups during the summer session.
If you are a returning member to our groups, welcome back! We hope you find our offerings enriching, engaging and of value to you. For new members, we encourage you to try all groups that interest you. Welcome!
Please refer to our website (mindforward.org) for more information, including links to our online calendar, registration forms, Lunch N’ Learns, and Special Events. To provide feedback regarding any of our services please contact the Mind Forward Ombudsperson, Ashley Budd via e-mail at ombudsperson@mindforward.org or via phone at (905) 949 4411 ext. 255.
View Halton – Oakville CALENDAR
Day Services